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A Collective of People from different ethnicities, abilities, life experiences, sexual and genders identities

Ventura Collective partners with committed organizations, using the ISO 30415:2021 standard, to assess and develop a company-wide equity, diversity and inclusion framework that is sustainable, relational and data driven. 

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Developing an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) framework in your organization is not only the right thing to do but also good for business. McKinsey & Co.'s research shows that organizations with an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion framework outperform financially those who do not. In addition, companies are at high risk of discrimination lawsuits when they do not have clear standards and policies for EDI that they can systematically rely on.

Ventura Collective partners with your organization to create a tailored equity, diversity and inclusion system based on the International Standard Organization ISO 30415:2021, which offers a streamlined and sustainable approach to EDI.

Our goal is to support you in developing an organization where equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging are at the heart of the business model.

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Why should your organization apply the
ISO 30415:2021 framework?

Organizations that embed equity, diversity and inclusion as a company-wide strategy are:

  • 39% more likely to outperform their competitors - McKinsey & Co.


  • 70% more likely to capture new markets - Harvard Business Review


  • 87% better at decision-making - People Management


  • More likely to hit their financial target goals by up to 120% - Forbes


  • Their teams generate 19% higher revenue - Boston Consulting Group


  • Increased ability to navigate complexity - Leader's Edge

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What are the potential costs and risks for organizations that do not apply the
ISO 30415:2021?

"Employee turnover costs companies more than $1 trillion per year"


(USA data)

"A 100-person organization that provides an average salary of $50,000 could have turnover and replacement costs of approximately $660,000 to $2.6 million per year."


(USA data)

"Insufficient attention to diversity and inclusion has become a business risk that can have a direct impact both on an organization's financial performance and its workforce"

Thomas Fioretti

Head of Zurich Insurance Resilience Solutions in North America

(US data)

"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission data from 2020 reported $439 million in fines from discrimination charges and lawsuits filed against employers."


(USA data)

"In 2021, the Ontario Court confirmed that contractual limitations on termination are unenforceable if the employee has been subject to harassment."


(Canada data)

"Employees have been awarded increasingly significant aggravated and punitive damages. In one exceptional 2022 case, a jury awarded a former employee C$1.5 million in punitive damages – the largest punitive damages award in Canadian history"


(Canada data)

In 2021 a class action lawsuit has been filed in the Federal Court of Canada on behalf of Black Canadians. The lawsuit is seeking long-term solutions to permanently address systemic racism and  discrimination in the Public Service of Canada.


(Canada data)

A safe system of work is firmly embedded in Canadian Law.

D&I ISO 30415 Certification promotes a psychologically safe system of work, as supported by The National Standard of Canada on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.


(Canada data)

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